The village project is over. I finally finished the project that I couldn't finish for months due to my laziness. It was the first environment project I made with modular assets in a truly realistic style. I made all the models except the vegatation elements (shrub-tree). Other subjects I work on are;
- Terrain construction in Unity
- Logic of modelling assets with  a modular system
- Realistic Substance Effects
- Proper UV mspping of cylindrical objects
- Creating fabric texture with Cloth effect
- Unity shaders
- Capturing an atmospheric feeling...
- Ability to create defined space
Now, with your permission, I am going to dance  and celebrate.
The inspirations I got for this project are; (Other excellent artists doing excellent work)

13- Pavlo Dumych

Vegatation elements - additional materials - and shaders I used in the project

Modeling - UV : Blender
Texture - Material: Substance Painter, Quixel Bridge
Level - Render: Unity
Last Edit: Photoshop

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